S S Rajamouli’s Maryada Ramanna is going to be remade in Hindi with Ajay Devgan and Sonakshi Sinha reprising the roles of Sunil and Saloni respectively. Ashwni Dhir is going to direct the film and the buzz is that several changes are being made in the script to suit the sensibilities of the Hindi audience. Now, we hear that the film has been titled as S.O.S – Son of Sardar. And the most surprising thing is, the film has already been sold for Rs 80 crores even before it goes on floors. Ajay Devgan’s recent film Singham was a blockbuster and given his popularity and SOS being a remake, it turning out to be a lucrative film for the buyers. Earlier there was a buzz that Ajay Devgan is keen on casting Tamannaah for the main role in the film; however, Sonakshi Sinha has been roped in. The film’s shooting is likely to start in January.
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